Colombia Papayo
Country: Colombia
Variety: Papayo
Region: Armenia
Altitude: 1450-1500 м
Processing method: natural, carbonic maceration
Q-score: 87.25
Flavor notes: chocolate truffle, pineapple, melon, papaya
This microlot consists of 100% Papayo variety. This variety is a rare mutation that occurred in Acevedo, Hulla. The seeds have an appearance similar to the Pacamara variety. However, the flavor profile of the cup is much sweeter and floral, like geisha. The ripe fawns turn orange and resemble papaya in shape. A complex coffee profile with distinct notes of jasmine, sugar cane and sweet chocolate.
This coffee was grown by Jairo Arcila at the Santa Monica farm in Quindio, and the berries underwent an intensive fermentation process. The ripe berries were subjected to a 24-hour dry aerobic fermentation and then placed in Grain Pro bags for 50 hours at about 22°C with CO2. The whole berries were then placed on elevated beds at about 35°C to dry out and reach 11% moisture content.
Country: Colombia
Variety: Papayo
Region: Armenia
Altitude: 1450-1500 м
Processing method: natural, carbonic maceration
Q-score: 87.25
Flavor notes: chocolate truffle, pineapple, melon, papaya
This microlot consists of 100% Papayo variety. This variety is a rare mutation that occurred in Acevedo, Hulla. The seeds have an appearance similar to the Pacamara variety. However, the flavor profile of the cup is much sweeter and floral, like geisha. The ripe fawns turn orange and resemble papaya in shape. A complex coffee profile with distinct notes of jasmine, sugar cane and sweet chocolate.
This coffee was grown by Jairo Arcila at the Santa Monica farm in Quindio, and the berries underwent an intensive fermentation process. The ripe berries were subjected to a 24-hour dry aerobic fermentation and then placed in Grain Pro bags for 50 hours at about 22°C with CO2. The whole berries were then placed on elevated beds at about 35°C to dry out and reach 11% moisture content.